Friday, May 25, 2012

Where child sacrifice is a business

Where child sacrifice is a business

In Kampala, the capital of Uganda, the witch doctors get paid to abduct the innocent children in villages and farming communities. These children are the victims of the ritual murders of what is called the child sacrifice business. Their decapitated bodies are buried in the side of the roads or the local fields. The children are closely watched by their teachers and parents on their way to and from their schools to prevent any more abductions as well as innocent sacrifices.

Many people believe that the witch doctors get paid to commit such crimes by the members of the country’s new elite to provide increased wealth with their big sums of money. According to a pastor named Peter Sewakiyanga at the Kyampisi Childcare Ministries church, child sacrifice followed by the ritual abductions and murders has risen due to people’s strong ambitions for money. They have a belief that they could get much richer if they sell their children to people who are actually willing to buy these children for a price, which made the child sacrifice become a commercial business, an inappropriate one.

This kind of belief and rituals that some of the Ugandan people have go against the principle of autonomy and respect as well as the principle of equality and justice. They do not respect the rights of the innocent children and treat them without any equality or justice by murdering them inhumanely. They disregard the freedom of the children and see the value of their lives as trivial things.

Not many Ugandans in the Ugandan villages and farming communities are wealthy enough. However, it is not righteous to use the children for commercial business purposes and sell them around just to increase their wealth. This kind of abductions and murders must stop for the protection of the children’s rights and justice.

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