Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by seizures. The seizures happen when a lot of neuronal activity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_oscillation occurs in the brain. Sometimes a state of “religious ecstasy with visual and auditory hallucinations” happens with the seizures occur. Certain people have “religious experiences”, some even think they’re God. http://eugrafal.free.fr/Dewhurst-Beard-2003.pdf
What is really happening is a part of their brain is some how damaged allowing their emotional part of the brain to over power memories. For example looking a desk would give them intense emotion or seeing a piece of driftwood in the ocean they would think God purposely put it there. They follow their own set of Religious Ethics. This leads me to think, how many of the people who have had “religious experiences” suffered from TLE? It would be interesting to find out the statistics. Could Christ have suffered from Temporal Lobe Epilepsy? Could all his followers have just been really gullible and over exaggerated the stories and the Bible? If Christ were born in today’s world, would we deem him incompetent and label him with a disorder or disease and simply give him medication? Is it to far to even say that Western Medicine is crushing the creative thinkers of today? Is Western Medicine crushing the Christ’s of today?
If there hadn’t been any advances on medicine would we be treating the “crazy” people of today the same? Would we all hear a story like a man thinking he was God and think he was incompetent and needed to be “fixed” and put on medication. The way Western Medicine presents itself in today’s society is viewed as good and saves millions of lives… But has it also ruined millions of competent creative thinkers? Is it right for us to see someone different then the average person and automatically put a label on him or her?