Earth: a planet with seven
continents that are broken up into 196 independent countries and several of the
major countries are suffering from a debt crisis or at the brink of war. For
example, Greece, whose citizens has an average retiring age of 58 and receives
a very high pension, is undergoing a serious problem. The problem is that China
and several other European countries have been lending money to Greece so that
it wouldn’t go into recession, but the money that Greece borrowed was mostly
going towards the resident’s pensions, and Greece’s GDP isn’t high enough to
repay the loans, if Greece goes under it will bring the rest of the Euro Zone
down with it.
Another issue that could affect us in the near future is the lack of food in the Arab states.
Because of a population boom, they are unable to grow enough food to feed their
population; these Arab states have been importing food with the money they make
from selling oil to the West. However the supply of oil isn’t infinite and eventually
will be depleted. The United States being 15 trillion dollars in debt will not
bail out the countries that have used all their oil. Look at Israel, who is
under constant threat from their Arab neighbours. Their schools have 3 random emergency drills a day where the students go into a fallout shelter especially as Iran has
threatened to attack Israel. What could prevent these countries from chaos? No small change would make a difference, perhaps a single government where Earth is viewed as a country, and countries would be seen as provinces or states, and where the Head of State would represent their province/state alongside many others. The world could share a single currency,
similar to the use of the Euro in the European Union currently. To address the
issue of debt, each “state” would have a limit, which they could not exceed. Technology
could be shared; large global conflicts and oppression/dictatorship/socialism could
be avoided. Countries could work together to deal with a food crisis, perhaps
finding a solution where the deserts could be fertilized again and food could
be grow. When it comes to the armed conflict, the 685 billion dollars the US
spent in 2010 on their military will be reduced if the world government had one
organized army split up into different regions to deal with conflicts such as
terrorism in the East or starting rehabilitation projects such as building
schools for children in Africa. Lots of opportunities will arise, poverty will
reduce, nuclear war could become a thing of the past, and absolute safety could
be assured for all citizens of Earth.
Because of a population boom, they are unable to grow enough food to feed their
population; these Arab states have been importing food with the money they make
from selling oil to the West. However the supply of oil isn’t infinite and eventually
will be depleted. The United States being 15 trillion dollars in debt will not
bail out the countries that have used all their oil. Look at Israel, who is
under constant threat from their Arab neighbours. Their schools have 3 random emergency drills a day where the students go into a fallout shelter especially as Iran has
threatened to attack Israel. What could prevent these countries from chaos? No small change would make a difference, perhaps a single government where Earth is viewed as a country, and countries would be seen as provinces or states, and where the Head of State would represent their province/state alongside many others. The world could share a single currency,
similar to the use of the Euro in the European Union currently. To address the
issue of debt, each “state” would have a limit, which they could not exceed. Technology
could be shared; large global conflicts and oppression/dictatorship/socialism could
be avoided. Countries could work together to deal with a food crisis, perhaps
finding a solution where the deserts could be fertilized again and food could
be grow. When it comes to the armed conflict, the 685 billion dollars the US
spent in 2010 on their military will be reduced if the world government had one
organized army split up into different regions to deal with conflicts such as
terrorism in the East or starting rehabilitation projects such as building
schools for children in Africa. Lots of opportunities will arise, poverty will
reduce, nuclear war could become a thing of the past, and absolute safety could
be assured for all citizens of Earth.
World government? Interesting.