Science is supposed to be a subject where the decided material is proven and has no flaws or loop-holes, yet there have been cases where physics seems to contradict itself. Einstein's Twin Paradox, for example, is one paradox thats facts go against each other. It's believed that if someone leaves earth on a rocketship at the speed of light, by the time they travel light-years away and come back, their time that has passed is a lot less than the rest of the people on earth. So for example if twin A moves away from earth at the speed of light and returns, twin B would've aged significantly while twin A feels like she's been gone for a shorter period of time. However, physics states that if an object is moving away from another, they're both technically moving away from each other at a constant speed, not just one away from the other, so having twin B older than twin A when in the beginning they were almost the exact same age, should be impossible.

This effect has been verified with the use of atomic clocks.
One way, you could say that twin B on earth is moving away from twin A who is in the rocket ship, and twin A should be the one to have aged while B has not. But wait! The attempt at applying symmetry to the situation fails due to the fact that Twin A turned around in the middle of his journey. Twin B, on the other hand, has remained in the same place and hasn't turned, the whole time. But wait again! While twin A was traveling away, he could consider himself at rest and that twin B is moving away from him. Also on the return trip, twin B could be moving TOWARD twin A. "So, special relativity must be inconsistent; it gives contradictory calculations.".
Hence the confusion you may be feeling if you managed to read all of that, science is confusing and can contradict itself, as you've seen in this paradox example.
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