The universe is made of trillions of trillions of trillions of different particlesand elements, and basic laws of physics that limit our day-to-day activities. But have you ever wondered about why these laws exist? Why is the universe set up in such a way that everything fits together so perfectly, and complexly, and why is it decided that they do so in this manner, rather than some other physics. I have been inspired by philosoraptor to try and find this answer, via google.
If you think about the universe, from the very beginning to NOW, you can see that everything that is, and ever has been, has been made my atoms and molecules and energy randomly hitting into eachother and reacting and dissolving and making new things and getting rid of other things, until eventually we were made.

When I googled “The Multiverse” in google, I went onto a Wiki page
“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse” Where it presents a theory called “Tegmark’s classification” “The levels according to Tegmark's classification are arranged such that subsequent levels can be understood to encompass and expand upon previous levels” So it says, that a universe above another universe, can be better than the one below it. As you can see we are the best universe. The specifics on each of the universes can be found on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse along with lots of other theories.
Another popular theory is the theory that a god made everything “And god said, “Let there be light”. I do not very much agree that some super (or all) powerful being made the entire universe, or that that control us and our destiny is set for us, because whoever this “God” would be, wouldn’t think very good, or very far ahead. I think that there is just too many things that go wrong for someone to have planned it, like the mass killing of all creatures on the planet every day, and him creating racism, and sexism, and racism.
There is a lot of this spiritual stuff going around, and I put a link to a very interesting video by Tim Minchin (“Only a ginger” guy) on my facebook wall a few days ago, but the only person who commented, or probably even watched it was my mom. There is a link somewhere to the video, please click on it. STORM - Swears- less than P&T
I think, that if you really take time to think about your existence, that you ARE just a meaningless bit of carbon, nothing you ever do will ever matter and the universe will do whatever it wants to do. We keep asking the universe for answers, but its not going to give us any, because we don’t matter, and he’s busy, with other things, like all existence.
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