Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How to make a free throw in Basketball 100% of the time


It’s quite simple really; all you need is to be at the right angles every time. Professional ballers practice for literally hours every day. This allows them to make almost 100% of the shots they take in a game.

The Form:

Step 1: Slowly approach the free throw line.
Step 2: Visualize (This is crucial)
Step 3: Become one with the ball.
Step 4: Lift the basketball to hip height.
Step 5: Slowly raise ball to above your shoulder and keep elbow tucked in.
Step 6: Alter your stance to an athletic body position.
Step 7: Bend with your knees and let the ball roll of your fingertips.
Step 8: (Most important step) Finish with your hand in the cookie jar or top shelf where your dad puts the girly magazines.

Here is some footage of a real live NBA player (please watch). In this video he takes a total of 6 shots from different places on the court and only misses the last one. Incredible!


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