Sunday, May 8, 2011

Is using fallacies based on emotion okay?

Many people use scare tactics, which is a fallacy based on emotion, but does that mean that to use it is right or wrong?
Parents often use arguments from guilt and scare tactics to influence what their children think. If a mother tells her daughter that the oven burners are the devil's hands, so that she will not touch them and burn herself, is it wrong? The mother is trying to protect her daughter, but does that make it okay? The mothers use of scare tactics is to protect her daughter so most people would wind this situation okay, however there are people who use scare tactics to persuade people for other reasons. For example to try and scare teens out of partying, a trip to the hospital where students see patients who have been in alcohol related accidents, drug overdoses and things of this nature is arranged for all students. Is it okay to scare these teenagers out of partying by only showing the negative possibilities of partying? Is it right to use scare tactics in either situation?
People may believe that scare tactics are okay when being used to protect, or for good. Others may believe that it is not right to hyperbolize situations, that people should just be told the truth. Neither of these really matter though, people will continue to use scare tactics whether they are ethical or not.

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