Sometimes we think about the moment we leave this world and how that moment will be. Will we leave it in peace? Or will the moment we leave be extremely agonizing?
Everyone has a different idea of what that moment would be like. Some may want to just die in their sleep. It’s nice easy and quick, so why not? Others may think that they deserve a more painful ending (due to a sinful life or something like that) and would prefer to be lit on fire and burn to death, while listening to the sound of their skin as it bubbles up and begins oozing with pus until it bursts (but then again who wouldn’t want to go that way?).
Death to some people is not something to be afraid of but more an event to celebrate a passed life. People plan funerals to be the best they can be which is all done to honor the death of a person. The food, the room decorations they all have to be perfect but mostly the thing that has to be planned the best is the box in which to lay the dead. (A wise teacher once told me never to buy a coffin with a sealed thick rim, the reason was something to do with compressed air and exploding human bits. Great tip huh?). Death is the one-way street way we all have to go. No one really has a choice in the end. We could end up dying from laughter or getting hit by a school bus. Want to know how you are going to die? http://www.gotoquiz.com/how_will_i_die
Apparently life is 100% fatal.