On January 19th, 2012 Canadian, freestyle skier Sarah Burke was pronounced dead in the University of Utah hospital in Salt Lake City. She had suffered major damage to the vertebral artery that provided the flow of blood to her brain. On January 10th while practicing a routine trick she fell on her head. Even though she landed with her skis all right she fell after landing the trick. By-standers said that the fall did not look too severe however, moments later Sarah went into cardiac arrest on the ski hill. Now going into cardiac arrest your chances of survival can range but when you are in the cold weather in the middle of the ski hill your chances of survival drop drastically. She was airlifted to the hospital. Once there doctors put her into an induced coma. They put her body into a therapeutic hypothermia to try to preserve her brain and its functions. The following day she was rushed to surgery to repair the severed artery. They were successful in repairing the damage and were to wait for when she woke up but after running further tests they realized that the damage was more severe then they thought; the severed artery had been filling up the brain with blood. The doctors determined that she was officially brain dead; they guessed that after she went into cardiac arrest on the ski hill was when her brain was no longer functioning. Based on Harvard Death Standards a person cannot be officially dead if there body is hypothermic, so before she could be pronounced dead her body could no longer hypothermic. When it was clear she was no longer hypothermic there was still no brain activity. Doctors believed that the reason she became brain dead because of lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain. She was pronounced dead to family, friends and the rest of the world on January 19th, 2012 Even though her brain was no longer functioning her organs were and because of Sarah’s prior wishes they donated her organs to people who needed

them. Sarah Burkes was someone girls looked up to for inspiration. She will forever be remembered by the hearts of her friends, family and her fans. Rest in Peace Sarah.
A tragedy, but how wonderful she was an organ donor. A wonderful person.