Now matter how much we try to avoid it, life ultimately asks us all one fundamental question:
Is this all there is to life, or is there something that comes after the end?
Throughout history, no matter how developed a civilization was, they all found their own way of answering this very question. The Roman’s explained death with with a voyage to the underworld; a place you could reach only by crossing the river Styx. The Egyptians believed that stone pyramids needed to be erected so that all your possessions could follow them into the after life. Buddhists believe you are reborn in your next life as the creature best representing your karma. And Christians pray to a god who they believe decides whether they will spend their afterlife in heaven or hell.
And all though their is no concrete proof for any of these religions, they all give their believers the same thing: HOPE. Hope that there is something more. Hope that life’s hardships will be rewarded. And maybe that is exactly what people need, in order to go through life without constantly worrying about when their last breath is going to be.
The fact is that finding an answer to this question is not simple, or quick. There is no one right answer or wrong answer, which is exactly what makes it so personal. It can take a life time to figure out your own views and to decide how you are going to interpret the unknown.
No matter what you believe in though, the only thing we can truly take ownership of is living each moment to it's fullest.