Recently, a Canadian women from Calgary was found brutally beaten in an elevator located in a luxurious hotel in Mexico. Sheila Nabb, her name, will have to undergo facial reconstruction surgery because several bones in her face were broken and she is in a medically induced coma. Luckily, a Mexican suspect admitted to punching the women several times in the face and leaving her in the elevator. He has been arrested and will be charged with attempted murder. The full story can be found here.
Earlier this month, another Canadian was found dead (click here). Robin Wood was from Saltspring, British Columbia and he was vacationing in Mexico when two robbers broke into a house he was staying at. He was then shot at point-blank range when he attempted to stop the robbers from stealing his possessions.
According to the Foreign Affairs Canada, 112 Canadians have been killed in accidents, murders, drowning’s, or suicides in Mexico since 2006. For more information about the people killed, click here. Throughout these past years, the violence in Mexico has escalated and the number injured or murdered tourists have risen greatly. Many people are now concerned whether Mexico is safe to visit or not. Although certain parts of Mexico are very dangerous, the other parts are not. If visiting the right places in Mexico, people should be fine and do not need to worry about being hurt.
I must admit your article ended a little too soon. "If visiting the right places"... - which places?