Are Learning Differences Bad?
All learning styles are put into these three main categories: Visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. Visual learners learn best by seeing and visualizing concepts. Kinesthetic learners are most suited by doing things and putting them to practice. Auditory learners are good at listening and can get a grasp of the topic by just hearing it. Studies say that it makes it easier, and better for people with certain learning styles to be taught by teachers who accommodate specific learning styles. However, does it help them later in life?

“It’s not the strongest or the most intelligent that survive, it is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” – Darwin
People with learning style differences have more potential to be adaptive to change. Scientists like Albert Einstein, inventors like Thomas Edison, business people like Richard Branson, and statesmen like Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy all had learning style differences or disadvantages. Their teachers and mentors had never accommodated their way of learning in class and it taught them to adapt to all the learning challenges presented to them. Would these scientists, inventors, business men, statesmen be different if all their life they were accommodated in schools? I say they would be. I’m not saying that it is a bad thing to be accommodated to in class, as it will make high school much less of an ordeal socially and mentally. However I believe that students should only be given the tools to succeed instead of having special attention that spoils them.
Interesting reflection; challenges make us better :)