Sunday, March 6, 2011

Intelligent design more a religion than the Darwinian evolution.

Intelligent design is the assertion for the evolution of the human race and the world by a higher force creating the earth and everything on it. This theory has not a lot of evidence, like any religion doesn’t have a lot of evidence, which makes it hard to teach in school, especially, when there are different religions, which don’t share the believe in a higher force like Buddhism. The Darwinian evolution talks about how the animals and human evolved from bacteria and to the the animals and human, which brings the question up: “How did the bacteria develop?”.

The intelligent design is more considered a religion than the Darwinian evolution, because the Darwinian evolution has a lot more scientific proofs than intelligent design does.
The Darwinian evolution is not fully true and still has some missing parts, we couldn’t proof yet. This fact makes it way harder to entirely exclude Intelligent design. Especially the question “How did the bacteria develop?” makes it easier to call it into a question. It was decided by judge not to teach intelligent design in school, even though there are a lot of unanswered questions in the Darwinian evolution.

Intelligent design should be taught in school, because if somebody believes in Intelligent design he should get the possibility to be educated in this subject and if you don’t believe in it you should get the possibility to be educated in the Darwinian evolution. So it should be made possible to choose between both if the inquiry of both is big enough.