The answer to the following question is no. We cannot teach the Darwinian theory similarly to how we teach the theorems of gravity and friction. We can't do this because you can observe gravity or friction, but you cannot observe evolution. Since you cannot truly prove the Darwinian theorem then it is valid that we spend time on both theories we have in the present day. That is of course the theory of Intelligent Design and the Darwinian theory. The Darwinian theory has too many holes in it to be simply accepted like gravity and friction.
Of course, many people ask me then as an avid Intelligent Design believer, who the Intelligent Designer is. The awnser is simple: there is no one designer. Our designers are the Raelians, who, in my belief, created us in their image as clones. There are many examples within the bible and many other religious texts, such as the Quran, that clearly prove our out-of-this-world creation. Things on our planet are simply too complex to have simply being created by "random mutation". The idea of this is just plain dumb. I love to go back to Micheal Behe's classic example of the complexity of the bacterial flagellum which is simply to "machine" like to have been created by mere chance. Simply looking at this reminds me of the intelligence of our designers, the Raelians. Furthermore, if we look at the world around us we can see that organisms are different and we do not see them adapting into all sorts of different specimens as Darwin says. Simply by careful observation we can tell that evolution is but a myth theorem that provided answers for people at a time when science wasn't advanced enough to discover the truth about our creators.
Thank you and happy hunting.