Intelligent Design has always been a controversial subject, from the household up to the world’s powers. Some say, however, that the ‘Intelligent Designer’ is just another name for God, and that the two names are interchangeable. Who is this Designer anyways?
She doesn’t have an actual name or term assigned to Her. When Intelligent Design is described, it sounds an awful lot like God. There isn’t a solid base for saying who the designer is. Nobody has a reasonable explanation. Scientifically, this theory is nonsense. It just isn’t possible to have a mortal or supernatural being deciding that dogs don’t meow, or that cows don’t produce lemonade. The theory is that there are some things in nature that are far too advanced to be produced through evolution. This then means that it had to have been developed by someone (or something) more intelligent. The scientific community rejects theories that include the supernatural in favour of the hard facts of Darwinism. The textbook Of Pandas and People was the first published text that included Intelligent Design. This book created much conflict in the town of Dover and elsewhere in the US. The text concentrates on the teaching of Intelligent Design but gives equal weight to Creationism.
After a heated debate, an extensive textbook being published, etc, nobody has come up with even a proper name for the Intelligent Designer. Creationism has God, and Darwinism has Darwin. Who is this ‘supernatural being’ anyways? Nobody knows, and nobody really has a good explanation how a supernatural being could create something as vast and advanced as our beloved earth. Who is this ‘Intelligent Designer?’ Where did she come from? What’s the story behind it? Those are the big, fundamental questions that arise when discussing this theory. Why don’t we have answers then? I feel that for something to be accepted by so many people, it should have a solid backing with hard facts and explanation. Darwinism is explained with the hard facts of the finches. There is no arguing about how different birds have different beaks for different food types. We need information like this that will explain who the Intelligent Designer is. She seems to be hiding in the shadows, without a spotlight on Her to bring a name and hard facts to light.
Traditional science has hard facts, names, and isn’t directly corresponded with God and Creationism. Darwinism is accepted throughout the scientific community. Who is this Intelligent Designer? Why doesn’t anybody have an explanation for this question?
I’ll stick with my Darwinism
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