Fairytales are basically stories that we tell our children to amuse them and stretch their imaginations, but unless we specifically tell them, they are unaware that these stories are not reality. No girl really meets her prince that easily and certainly nobody magically awakens from a coma to find that their life is perfect. To us, this seems ridiculous, but to a five year old, they do not know what reality is, and for all they know, that’s it.
Every story has it’s moral message. Beauty and the Beast tells us that beauty is within, Pinnochio teaches us to live honestly. That is the primary point of us as children hearing them: to learn lessons that we should live by. But nobody seems to remember that Cinderella doesn’t stand up for herself, or that Ariel gave away her voice in return for legs, so the prince has to fall in love with her without hearing her speak. The messages that are under the surface should not be taken so lightly.
As humans, we believe what we are brought up to believe. Our virtues are based on what our parents or gaurdians wish us to think. By reading our children these fictional stories, the morals that are meant to be focused on may be overshadowed by the negative messages that they are sending.
It's amazing the hidden messages in our fairy tales. You might like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8xCgC3w1zs