Friday, November 25, 2011

Zombies? (Part 1)

After the airing of the new season of "The Walking Dead" it accured to me that the majority of people do not know what to do if an outbreak of a zombie virus were to happen. This can turn out to be a problem becasue the more poeple that dont know how to handle them selfs during an outbreak the more zombies there would end up being. This is why a "zombie plan" is essential next to earth quake and fire plans. However, these plans differ from person to person but should have similar prioities amoung each variation. The first thing people would say is finding friends and family. This can pose as a major challenge as the world is slowely consumed by chaos. Therefor the first step is to have a place to go to. Cities and heavy populated area pose as huge targets for the infected as well as the military. Once it is seen that the infection cannot be stopped by civil way the military will begen to fire bomb urban areas to destroy not only the infection but also its food supply. Escaping to the country side or some less populated area is key. I myself plan to go to Alaska because everyone knows zombies cant survive the cold. Do not try to fly to places like Hawaii or other island areas because they are either already infected or the military force on the island will be ordered to eliminate any incoming refugeses. Barricading ones self in a basement is a bad idea because there is no place to run if a zombie breaks through. It is better to be in high places like a skyscraper or other buildings because if in the chance you do get swambed you can always jump and avoid being devoered. Always remeber, anything is better then being eaten by zombies even being eaten by little kittens.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure being eaten by little kittens would be better.... :)
