Thursday, November 10, 2011

Do I smell early lunch?

Sitting in our last class we count down the minutes till the bell goes, signaling lunch. Around 15 minutes before we are allowed to go, listening to our teacher suddenly isn’t what’s on our mind anymore. It’s the question of “hmm. I wonder what’s on the menu for today? See getting early lunch is something that every student wants everyday (aside from sleep in maybe) but the thing is the Brentwood staff or who ever decides to deprive us of this wonderful privilege doesn’t take into account what the benefits of early lunch really are.
For some of us the last 15 minutes of period 5 are used to fantasize about the massive sandwich we will create or maybe the mouthwatering bowl of rice complete with soy sauce and melted cheese, honestly our stomachs are thinking of food and our minds are listening.

As the non-existent smell of lunch wafts through our heads just taunting us, the lunch ladies are preparing for the herds of students that come running in… pushing and shoving to get their food first. The ladies who dollop food onto our plates are now under the stress of making sure 400 students get what they want…. And fast. I mean come on now, how hard is it to handle a mass of hungry teenagers… I’m guessing pretty damn difficult. See if there was early lunch for classes, scattered out there wouldn’t be such chaos. So why isn’t it taken into account? how hard the rush must be of feeding these hungry beasts? Some people who see the enormous line up skip lunch because the hot food line is so extensive and after having 6 hours of learning drilled into our heads, all we want it to taste that food. I’m also pretty sure the teachers of the classes wouldn’t complain either…lets be serious now. Early lunch isn’t just to satisfy our empty groaning bellies, it also helps spread out the flood of all students so there is not such a long wait. I’m not saying this has to happen every single day but as a treat once in a while…. Having an early lunch would be fantastic!!

1 comment:

  1. A heart-felt plea. But early lunch would mean missing our weekly quiz, and I know that would be terribly disappointing.
