Monday, November 7, 2011

"Pardon My Language"

Why do you need to pardon your language when you cuss? Are swear words really as bad as they're made up to be? Humanity is full of atrocities like torture, epidemics, and starvation. This list could go on. If an alien was studying the human languages, he would learn of these things and wonder why we use them in everyday language casually. "Man waiting in that lunch line was torture!" or "I'm starving!" "that video was sick." Why do we use the worst things we can possibly do in everyday language? The funny thing is as that as soon as we say a swear word like "F***", there's a huge stigma and we're considered irresponsible and a bad influence. The "F" word meaning reproducing, showing physical attraction and love between two people; one of the best things we do as a human race is "F". I might be being an egoistic person saying this, but I feel like something is wrong.
There is sometimes a stigma on words that are good words,
and the worst words are just thrown around like it's nothing.

This is a video on Stephen Fry talking about "swearing"

1 comment:

  1. The difference between our culture's acceptance of violent language vs. reproductive language is certainly odd.
