Monday, November 28, 2011

LRA or Lord's Resistance Army

The LRA, a prime example of a radical movement, bent on terrorizing the people of Central Africa and mainly operated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This resistance movement is led by the infamous Joseph Kony who has been making recent headlines in CNN (click here). The LRA all started when Joseph Kony raised an army to fight against the government of Uganda, in 1987. The goal of the Lords Resistance is to establish a new state governed by the ten commandments and an african tradition called Acholi. This movement is very violent as many as 200o innocent civilians have been killed and another 3000 have been abducted. Many crimes against humanity have been committed to the point were the atrocities can not be ignored by the government of the United States and pleas for help have been issued by the people of the Congo. Obama has not turned a blind eye on these people and their suffering but he announced 100 troops be sent to the Congo to hunt Joseph and his followers. The LRA has committed some of the most vile and disgusting crimes ever on the face of this planet. The accounts of a few of the survivors are disclosed here. Many of these accounts include horrible unimaginable acts of horror such as making family member kill each other, cutting off lips, ears and noses, leaving people to die in the jungle with broken knees, as well as murder and sexual enslavement. In the documentary disclosed a reporter ventures deep into the heart of the Congo and actually interviews Joseph Kony and his victims first hand. This group has been labeled as a terrorist cartel and needs and should be put to an end to save the lives of many Congolese citizens.

1 comment:

  1. That's the saddest story I have heard in a long time. I will follow what is happening in this part of the world more closely in the future.
