Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Middle East and Gaddafi

Since it is rembembered the Israelis and the Pakistani have always had problems considering the amount of rights and freedoms they have. Their lives are shortened to a very small amount of options. Like Gwynne Dyer sed, and you can read about this journalist and public speaker in this site http://gwynnedyer.com/, "if you graduate from university and high school in these countries the odds are you won't find a very good job in any other developed country. This is the sad truth, middle east countries contain a high amount of the world population and they have always been ruled by dictators and a good example of this would be, the Gaddafi case. He was killed recently, he was a ruling dictator and he never gave his population any rights or freedoms. Now ethically this situation was messed up; this guy takes over power at 24 years old, he then decides never to leave and makes his country a living hell. He gives them no writes whatsoever, and the power he has contains no responsibility at all. Middle East countries have been on the front of our newspaper since a while ago. It is something moving that's going on in the world as we speak. Here it is, a disturbing video that shows how much of a controller this man was and the terror he brought to his country. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/middle-east/111024/gaddafi-sodomized-video-gaddafi-sodomy.

I only hope future generations from Libya build a much more responsible government who they trust will be a leader and will bring their countries higher, because from where they stand right now, there is not a lot of possibilities if you live there.

10% of the world is living under pliant and suffer from their own government. They should be getting help and believing in their leaders, but instead those who are the ones suppose to fight for their country are sitting down, sending military action to the streets to kill members of manifests, which are really just created because people are desperate for change. There is a curtain level of violence and un-ruling action that citizens will take from their own government, and if it is penetrated, people will act.

In Gaddafi's case manifests grew heavier and became a revolution. Having a revolution now just shows how far back countries like Libya are from full development. If you think of America, they had their revolution from the British long ago, same with other developed or even developing countries like Mexico and Colombia. In fact about 80%of the world is independent nations. It is the sad truth, but the sooner we understand the position in which these people are the better and sooner we will be able to help.

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